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This section describes the high-level architecture of urunc, along with the design choices and limitations.


urunc is a container runtime designed to bridge the gap between traditional unikernels and containerized environments. It enables seamless integration with cloud-native architectures by leveraging familiar OCI (Open Container Initiative) tools and methodologies. By acting as a unikernel container runtime compatible with the Container Runtime Interface (CRI), urunc allows unikernels to be managed like containers, opening up possibilities for lightweight, secure, and high-performance application deployment.

In urunc, the user code runs inside a unikernel on top of a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) or a sandbox monitor. As a result, urunc guarantees strong isolation among the containers and inherits the enhanced security features of unikernels, such as their small attack surface.

In the unikernel context a single-process application runs directly on top of a Virtual Machine (VM) or a sandbox. At the same time, in the VM context, every VM runs as a process. Subsequently, urunc combines these two characteristics and treats the VM's process, which executes the unikernel that runs the application, as the container's process. This way, urunc does not reuire any auxiliary process running alongside the unikernel, maintaining as less overhead as possible. Instead urunc directly manages the application running in the unikernel through the VMM or the sandbox monitor. Moreover, urunc does not require any modifications in the unikernel framework and hence all unikernel frameworks and similar technologies can easily integrate with urunc.

Execution flow

The process of starting a new unikernel container with urunc, starts at the higher-level runtime (containerd) level:

  • Containerd unpacks the image into a supported snapshotter (e.g. devmapper) and invokes urunc, as any other OCI runtime.
  • urunc parses the image's rootfs and annotations, initiating the required setup procedures. In particular, it creates essential pipes for stdio, it creates the container's state file and runs the prestart hooks (if any).
  • Subsequently, urunc spawns a new process within a distinct network namespace, stores its PID and invokes the createRuntime and createContainer hooks.
  • When Containerd starts the container urunc configures any required resources such as block devices or network interfaces and runs the statContainer hooks.
  • Depending on the specified unikernel type and annotations, urunc selects the appropriate VMM or sandbox monitor (e.g. Qemu, Solo5-spt) and boots the unikernel. The unikernel runs inside its own isolated environment, interacting with external systems through the namespaces and devices configured by urunc.
  • Finally the unikernel is up and running as a container, and we can manage its lifecycle like any other container through urunc (e.g., stopping, restarting, or deleting the container).

Image Format and Annotations

To support unikernels in a containerized environment, urunc requires specific metadata embedded in OCI container images. These images must include the unikernel binary, configuration and any other files required from the application or the unikernel and the aforementioned metadata which dictate how the unikernel should be run. The metadata can be passed to urunc either in the form of annotations or as a specific file in the container's rootfs. For a detailed explanation and an up-to-date list of the currently supported annotations take alook at the packaging unikernels page.

Although urunc-formatted unikernel images are not designed to be executed by other container runtimes, they can still be stored and distributed via generic container registries, such as Docker Hub or Harbor. This ensures compatibility with standard cloud-native workflows for building, shipping, and deploying applications.